Why was the Council of Trent stopped?

why was the roman catholic council of trent ended?
other facts about the council of trent would be helpful


Favorite Answer

Because after debating since 1545 (interrupted a few month now and then because of worldy crisis) they had discussed everything that was to be discussed and had issued proclamations on each and every topic important to the church.


Disease outbreak.

The council was never conducted in Trent either.

It was conducted over 20-30 years in various cities around northern Italy.

It did complete though and was monumental in the continuing reformation of Catholic government and doctrine.

Seminaries were established after Trent to get rid of ignorant priests (and the few huxters who were giving the Church a bad rep). Canon Law became a formal thing. Scriptures were affirmed because nutcases around Europe were trying to rewrite the Bible based on lousy texts and political opinion.

You know, the CIA World Factbook shows that the Catholic Church makes up 20 percent of Earth's population. Only 5.78 percent of this planet is Protestant, 1.25 percent Anglican and about 4 percent who make up whatever they feel like based on their imaginations of what Jesus Christ was all about. So go figure. Trent was a flyswatter with the power of Thor's hammer.