AT&T capping internet usage, what does it mean for XBOX?
So, AT&T is capping usage, up to 250gb a month. And for Netflix, one hour of standard tv show uses 1gb, high def uses 2.3gb. And for someone who watches a lot of netflix, and uses the internet, it adds up quickly. I watch netflix on XBOX live...So i assume this cap will affect playing games on LIVE? Does anyone have anymore info on this? Are there any cable companies that don't do this capping yet? Why can't they do it like they did with mobile customers, and only cap the new customers?
lol this sucks, especially for a big family that uses internet etc.
Thanks! I'm just not sure how it would work with XBOX Live, since you have to connect over the internet and how much it would use anyway. We are on XBOX Live a lot.
We cut back on Netflix a lot, but pretty much all weekend we watch it, and at night during the week. Now that I add up how much we use, it's not that bad, but I'm not sure how much we use when we are actually on the internet. Since I have unlimited web on my IPhone, i usually use it instead of the computer.