Has anybody else done anything like this?

Has anybody here ever done anything that in hindsight seemed rather stupid?
That's what happened to me last halloween.
My wife told me that I should come up with a way to scare the little darlings when they came up to trick or treat.
I thought about it a while (my first mistake)
We have a little play house in the backyard for our granddaughters.
I drug this thing up onto the front porch.
With some cardboard,duct tape and paint I converted it into a spooky little haunted house.
I had a cd of halloween sounds playing in the background.
The plan was simple.
Wearing my vampire costume I would get on my knees inside.
When they came up onto the porch I would open the door and growl.
They would scream, get their candy and walk away laughing saying things like.
"I really wasn't scared...I was just pretending".
Everything went great for a few hours.
Then this woman came up with her two kids.
A little boy about 3 dressed like a ghost and a little girl about 5 or 6 dressed like a cute little witch.
They came up onto the porch.
I opened the door and growled.
The ghost hid behind his mom.
However the cute little witch kicked me Square in the crotch.
It never crossed my mind that a vampire needed a cup.
Of course my wife thought it was hilarious


This is what happened C.U.NT
So suck my cok *****


Favorite Answer

another troll with a ball busting fetish. should be open season on you. get a life

