The past month or so my gelding has been bucking when we start to lope. It's not huge get off of me bucks but little hops. Or that's what it feels like. Anyways, I think it's just because of it being so nice out. It only happens the first or second time we lope. I'll try loping he'll buck then I circle him and try it again normally by the third time he stops. I'm 98% sure it's not pain and it's just "happy". But the vet is coming out in a couple of weeks to do shots and that stuff. And after I rule out pain how to get over this stage? And it doesn't happen with just me riding he did it with my dad and stepbrother.
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He is probably just happy. But he could also be a bit stiff and has to buck once for twice to 'loosen up'
sit down deep and carry close the pommel if it enables. force ahead along with your legs and feet, no count number number how a lot faster the horse is going. A horse that is going ahead won't be able to dollar so absolutely. once you sense she is settled sluggish the canter lower back down along with your seat. you want to exercising consultation why the horse is bucking. i ought to get the saddler out to examine the fit of the saddle as this can be causing her some soreness. If she has those days were given more healthful or fatter, the saddle does not replace structure or length so must be pinching her someplace. A saddle ought to correctly be adjusted if the fit is slightly off via including, transferring and eliminating stuffing to regulate it. If this has not helped then you'll want to get the chiropracter to go back out and examine for sore spots in her lower back and skeleton which will properly be causing her to dollar.
Is it only this month that it started? If so then it could just be due to it being spring but it may be an idea to mention this to your vet and possibly have your saddle checked.
it seems like hes just really happy because of the nice weather. your vet vet comes out you could just quickly ask him/her to check quick. or you yourself could. good luck!