Is it me or does it look like bin Laden was living a rat hole?

bin Laden (worshiper of the false prophet) on the Video it looks like a rat hole that he is living what do you think?

Not Buying It2011-05-07T11:56:27Z

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I've spent a few years living in a third-world country, and I can say with certainty that OBL's rat hole actually is considered quite nice by third-world standards.

Oh, yeah, they can be rented for very few dollars, leaving enough to hire a yard boy and at least one maid. In fact, if you're interested, it's my understanding that just such a place recently became available in Abbotabad, Pakistan.


yes, a million dollar rat hole...But even some of the elites live in this manner in that part of the world.. Even the higher standards of living are in a sub-standard area


I thought they would find him drinking rum and coca colas on a beach in Maui. The place looks like a big cement rat hole to me.


me personally fully agrees with you...but look what country he was living in..? most of the land around him was dirt and sand..if your in hiding you cant live way better than those who are your neighbors it would be way out of the ordinary..and would bring suspension but yes it looked like a rat hole..if not worse..A Nasty Man Calls For A Nasty home!!!


Yes, serves him right.

Idiot could have lived his 'paradise' fantasy with virgins on earth. i guess he was rich enough. But most certainly an ugly lazy muslim zombie.

But Osama was only following in the footsteps of muhammed who was the founder of the terror cult known as islam.

I think that Mo the so-called prophet of pisslam would be proud of Osama.

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