How do I get my Tumblr dashboard back to normal?

Okay, so, I was using Tumblr, and I saw other people had different themes for their dashboards. I thought it was cool, so I decided to get one myself. I had to install a program called Stylish (I use Google Chrome). I tested a pink floral theme for Tumblr and liked it, so I kept it. I got tired of it and wanted to change it. So I went to install a new theme, but once I did, it wouldn't replace the pink theme. I waited a while and refreshed the page, and the new theme popped up for a second, but then the other theme came back. I got frustrated and researched, and found nothing. I clicked "uninstall" on the Stylish icon in the toolbar, but that didn't do anything. I clicked into "installed themes" and that theme I downloaded wasn't even listed. How can I changed my Tumblr dashboard theme back to normal? This is very bothering!


Favorite Answer

Try to use firefox. You'll get your theme back to normal. Because the theme is just installed in your browser which in your case is Google Chrome. Or if you want to uninstall your theme from chrome uninstall the stylish addon/plugin in chrome from settings

hope this helps :)


Tumblr Floral Themes