Help with Tele Vue Nagler Eyepiece choice?

What is the main differences between the Tele Vue Nagler 11mm and 12mm eyepieces.Also which one would you choose to buy and why?
Thanks much,


You guys are great.I enjoy the nags because my fast 10"dob works well with them.I had the chance to use the 11mm and liked it much,and was just curious if the 12mm was worth the extra cash.


Favorite Answer

The 12mm is a Type 4 design, quite large and heavy (16.2 oz.), expensive ($350) but with long eye relief (17mm). The 11mm is a more modern design, lighter (6.7 oz.), more compact, less expensive ($290) but with shorter eye relief (12mm). The 11mm has a 1.25" barrel, the 12mm a dual 2"/1.25" barrel. I own an 11mm myself, and am very happy with it.


Hi Wally - I guess the 11 is an older model that some folks think is better - sharper or clearer with one less optical element. I have a 12 that I use frequently. I have never done a comparison. I like my 12 just fine.

ADDED: Geoff is probably right. The newer Type 6 11 mm is a lot lighter. I am still pleased with my 12, but I would probably lean toward the 11 if I were to choose today.

ADDED (2): On second thought, I probably would not. The 1.25 in barrel would require that I either change out the back and the diagonal, or add an adapter. Adapters are ugly and sloppy and weigh as much as the difference involved in the eyepiece change - so - I am back with my 12 mm, happy as a pig in slop so to speak...