Indecent exposure to child accusations?

A man shows his penis to two girls (9y/o) in his apartment. They run out, tell their parents and call the police.

Can the police search his house?
Arrest him?
Do anything?


Favorite Answer

What would they be searching the house for? His penis?

James H2011-05-12T03:03:46Z

There are 2 sides to a story and in THIS COUNTRY- you are presumed innocent until judged guilty in a court of LAW. Kids make up stuff and they get grown-ups in trouble. The police cannot search his house or arrest him or do anything cause no one filed charges yet and he needs to go through "due process." You can't just arrest a man on the word of 2 minors.

WHEN Janet Jackson showed her BOOBS to 9 million Americans- did the COPS arrest her? Go figure?


the police can do anything they want. you look at the police funny and they'll do anything they want. tase you until their batteries run out, beat you for resisting arrest when you didn't do anything to get arrested for in the first place, arrest you for being a crack dealer when you aren't one, but they found that big sack of crack in your pocket (that was in their pocket a minute earlier). cops usually like to show their penises to 9 year old girls, except for the ones (quite a few) who think that nine is too old and 3-5 is more fun. so... stay away from cops.


Yes. The police will arrest him.


Yes he will be charged