Wasn't Ronald Reagan the Best President EVER?

Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to all illegal immigrants who entered the United States prior to January 1, 1982, and had lived in the country continuously.

Unemployment peaked at 10.8% percent in December 1982—higher than any time since the Great Depression

Reagan cut the budgets of non-military programs including Medicaid, food stamps, federal education programs and the EPA.

His administration attempted to purge many people with alleged disabilities from the Social Security disability rolls.

In order to cover newly spawned federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed heavily both domestically and abroad, raising the national debt from $700 billion to $3 trillion.

During Reagan's presidency Taxes were raised every year from 1981 to 1987.

But the Rich top tier tax bracket rates were lowered from 70% to 28%

His start in politics occurred during his work for ENERGY Giant General Electric as a spokesman.

Reagan opposed certain civil rights legislation, saying "If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so".

During his for Governor of California campaign he emphasized two main themes: "to send the welfare bums back to work," and in reference to burgeoning anti-war and anti-establishment student protests at the University of California at Berkeley, "to clean up the mess at Berkeley."

Reagan was involved in high-profile conflicts with the protest movements of the era. On May 15, 1969, during the People's Park protests at UC Berkeley, Reagan sent the California Highway Patrol and other officers to quell the protests, in an incident that became known as "Bloody Thursday."

Reagan then called out 2,200 state National Guard troops to occupy the city of Berkeley for two weeks in order to crack down on the protesters.

When the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped Patty Hearst in Berkeley and demanded the distribution of food to the poor, Reagan joked, "It's just too bad we can't have an epidemic of botulism." Which is a life-threatening Food infection.

As California Governor Reagan signed into law the Therapeutic Abortion Act. About two million abortions would be performed as a result.

During his administration federal air traffic controllers went on strike. Reagan held a press conference in the White House Rose Garden, where he stated that if the air traffic controllers "do not report for work within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated."

Do you still think that he was the best ever? Or even a Good President?



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All this is real....

Ive been researching Reagan for a long time and he seems to be one of the worst in our history


About 7 of the 10 reasons you dislike Reagan is why I loved Reagan. He wasn't Barry Goldwater but about the best we have seen. He cleaned up Jimmy Carters mess. Obama is proving to be Bush on steriods. It took a Jimmy Carter to get a Reagan im sure with Obama we will prolly get a Hermain Cain or Ron Paul.


I didnt read your details because it was too long but he was the worst one ever in domestic policies and Bush Junior was the worst one in foreign affairs. Together they brought the downfall of America. Both a couple of assholes who couldnt care less about the ordinary person.


Yeah like Obama is any better guys lmao


he wasn't the worst, even with that record, but he wasn't very high up on the list for best, that's for sure. i lived through his presidency. FYI: that 10% unemployment was only maintained by changing how the numbers were reported. it was actually much higher by the old rules.

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