Do you support "eye for an eye" justice? Why?

Recent story in Iran was about a man who intentionally blinded a women... SO the courts decide to blind him BACK but the question to me is... is that even enough to be considered a FAIR eye for an eye? Should he be given the death sentence?


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i would make him work and give all his earning to the women for like 80 years if he did that. to her. thats some b.s. by the way. evil as hell, probley mad she was not going to give him the booty, or she found some better dyck. lol. crazy Iranian men.


No, I don't support that thinking.
Why? The world would go blind.

I'd rather teach people, or let them experience natural consequences (someone intentionally blinds someone, so the town kicks him out or refuses to sell him food out of anger etc.).

The death sentence will never solve anything, just remove one more threat to society. The problem lies in how people are treated and taught, before they are an adult with a fixed and possibly demented mind.


No, it's irrational, designed for revenge fantasy fulfillment, not justness. In a case, every factor must be considered, and trying to apply this primitive mindset just counteracts that.


No, I do not support eye for an eye because that is Old Testament and I consider myself Christian. Turn the other cheek, do not kill, he who is without sin cast the first stone.


The only aspect I admire about Islam is its clarity as to how criminals should be dealt with but, alas, Islam is too brutal in dealing with crimes. Capital punishment, without prior administration of acid being thrown in his ugly face, as he threw acid in this woman's face, is enough -- and a prayer that he goes to hell.

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