How is Daisuke Matsuzaka a major league pitcher?


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Ah, I ask myself that every fifth day.


The reason he is a major league pitcher is because he was a superb japanese baseball pitcher. The problem with that scenario is in Japan the strikezone is much bigger, the ball is smaller and more tightly wound. That means it can be thrown a little faster and has a little more movement. He also won the MVP for the World Baseball Classic, which even though were one game series gave the MLB owners and gms the chance to see him pitch against mlb quality hitters. Daisuke has filthy stuff, but he requires heavily on batters swinging at his pitches and a large strike zone. Also it doesnt help hes a flyball pitcher in Fenway. Daisuke was a good pitcher who faced less talent in Japan. Also hes in argueably the best division in baseball. Dice-K is not worth even a third of what he's making, but he's signed, and every once in awhile he pitches a quality game.


He signed a Major League contract.



Still better than the guy the Yanks got Kei Igawa who's been paid well to play in the Minors.


Agree with Scooter. Kei is being paid millions to pitch in the minors.