why can't i lose the post-baby weight?
I am a young mom, only 19 and I gave birth almost 11 months ago. I am breastfeeding. Before I got pregnant I had gotten down to about 145 pounds at 5'5" and during pregnancy I got up to 195. My son came early weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces. I have been attempting to jog (can only jog for one or two minutes) and I have been doing ab workouts since 8 weeks after his birth. I am stuck going up and down between 160 and 165 and I feel like no matter how hard I try the weight will not come off. I am dieting and watching what I eat. I am getting so desperate I have even purged when I thought I ate too much (yes I know this is bad). I cannot think about anything except being fat, how nasty I must look, and my son, thus I am struggling horribly in my classes. I am a recovering bulimic and do not want to relapse, but I am finding this very difficult with this horrible fat. Has anyone had the same struggles I am having and does anyone have any suggestions or tips? Thank you for your time, anything will help.
P.S. I can only run for so long because I am having a horrible time controlling my breathing. I walk in between jogs. I can do palates and can workout for a while but have a hard time jogging or any cardio for that matter.