why can't i lose the post-baby weight?

I am a young mom, only 19 and I gave birth almost 11 months ago. I am breastfeeding. Before I got pregnant I had gotten down to about 145 pounds at 5'5" and during pregnancy I got up to 195. My son came early weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces. I have been attempting to jog (can only jog for one or two minutes) and I have been doing ab workouts since 8 weeks after his birth. I am stuck going up and down between 160 and 165 and I feel like no matter how hard I try the weight will not come off. I am dieting and watching what I eat. I am getting so desperate I have even purged when I thought I ate too much (yes I know this is bad). I cannot think about anything except being fat, how nasty I must look, and my son, thus I am struggling horribly in my classes. I am a recovering bulimic and do not want to relapse, but I am finding this very difficult with this horrible fat. Has anyone had the same struggles I am having and does anyone have any suggestions or tips? Thank you for your time, anything will help.


P.S. I can only run for so long because I am having a horrible time controlling my breathing. I walk in between jogs. I can do palates and can workout for a while but have a hard time jogging or any cardio for that matter.


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Wow when I read this I thought of myself.....

I had my son at 18, I am 5'5 and weighed 140 before getting pregnant, 3 days before having my son I weighed 184!!! My son also came early and weighed 6lbs 10oz.

I was breastfeeding for 5 months and the weight seemed to just come off, but when I stopped breast feeding I gained a lot of it back, I was also bouncing between 160-165. I tried Pilates and it just wasn't for me, I hate being inside and I also HATE following a video. Oh and I also tried "running" hahaha wasn't that funny.

In the past 5 weeks I have lost 12 lbs, all by walking. Every day I put my son (almost 1) in his stroller and we go out for atleast a 3 mile walk. On the really nice days we walk to and from the park (6 miles). We will also stop and play in the fields near our home, it keeps us both active and keeps me from sitting at home and start eating from boredom. My son loves to be outside and so does mommy, I am in such a better mood, I look a ton better, I feel better, and I get to work on my tan! haha.

I know that it seems impossible to lose hte weight, I have been there!! But you really can do it. Take it easy at first and start with walking 2 miles a day, it only takes about 30 minutes and your son will love to be outdoors, increase your mileage from there.

Good luck mommy!


The indisputable fact that your nursing will definetly aid you lose that weight, put money into excersise dvds, perhaps pilates, narrow in 6 works particularly well however you want like an hour with the intention to do it. So it will depend on how so much time you've to your arms, if it is only a few I'd discover a thirty minute exercise aerobic tape, so we can aid you alot. If you've fine climate there and dont brain taking your child out, opt for walks, however watch out an excessive amount of daylight is unhealthy for child.


90 minutes on the elliptical


invest in a treadmill desk like the trekdesk 479 trekdesk com


eat in front of mirrors and youll lose weight

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