What's your favorite fingernail-friendly smart phone?

I need to get a smart phone, but have concerns about the touch screen with my fingernails (and no, I'm not getting rid of the nails!). What would you recommend?


Ummmm, actually, there are quite a few phones that have push-button keyboards. I wonder if anybody has input on any of those.


Favorite Answer

As long as the phone has a resistive touchscreen, it will easily be able to support fingernail touch input.

Smartphones that have the resistive touchscreen technology are...

Nokia N97
Nokia N97 mini
Nokia N900
SE Xperia X2
Samsung S8000 Jet
Samsung Pixon 12

And a lot more in the source.

But I really would not recommend any of those, since the OS in which most of the run on is outdated, and the UI is not very user friendly. But if you are willing to accept all imperfections of a smartphone as long as your nails can be used on them, the I suggest the N97 mini and the N900.

The N97 mini runs on the outdated Symbian^1. It is not very user friendly, apps are not of very high quality, but you can use your nails on it, and there is a very comfortable slide out keyboard. The UI requires two taps for touches to be registered.
The N900 runs on Maemo which is the only phone with that OS. App count is pathetic. The UI is pretty good, it is a very good web browsing phone, but it is quite heavy. The slide out keyboard is very nice too.

Sorry if the description positives and negatives were mixed. :)




There are no "nail friendly phones" you either use your skin (on your fingers of course) or a stylus.

The nails will not register on current cell phone touch screens unless they are resistive (which use pressure) rather than capacitive .touch screens, (which use your bodies electrical current to activate the screen).

So in your case you either learn to use the sides of your thumbs to type on a touch screen, or you buy a stylus that will work with a capacitive .touch screen.


When you call it "Fingernail-friendly" that means you want a touch screen phone where you don't have to use your actual finger. That's a pressure sensitive screen. There aren't any phone's with a pressure sensitive screen... Sorry. :(