question about camping ?

Recently, there have been a lot of people using this forum ( outdoor recreation > camping ), to ask questions about the religious ZEALOT " HAROLD CAMPING ".

Do these people NOT know that this forum, is NOT a forum on religion, but rather , the outdoor activity of camping ?

or is it, that just because the forum title, has the word CAMPING in it, they think that this forum applies to their HERO ---- oops -----, ex-HERO, " HAROLD CAMPING " ??


Favorite Answer

The problem is when you type a question, Yahoo! Answers places the question in a suggested category. Since "Camping" is present in "Harold Camping," the computer makes the error of assigning any question about the moron to the "Outdoor Recreation," "camping" category. The individual with the inquiry does not have enough critical thinking experience to reject the default classification.

C T M2011-05-23T14:01:16Z

I've noticed a few things too.

YOU are ALWAYS a ******** to others.

YOU have some serious misinformation about firearms and shooting.

The world didn't end a couple days ago like some religious wacko said it would. Everyone knows the world is going to end when the Mayan calander ends! (Thats a joke ********, lighten up)