Disaster Dragons Yugioh R/F?

Monsters x18
Totem Dragon x3
Layveten x2
Dodger Dragon x3
Masked Dragon X1
Prime Material Dragon x1
Malefic Stardust Dragon x3

Spells x12
Terraforming x2
Giant Trunade
Future Fusion
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
Dragon Ravine x3
Book of Moon

Traps x8
Trap Stun x2
Call of the Haunted
Dark Bribe x2
Torrential Tribute
Deck Devastation Virus x2
Eradicator Epidemic Virus x2

I'm a little iffy on the side deck. Can't really think of anything to go in there except for Koa'ki Meiru Drago x2


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If my math is correct it looks like you are two cards short of the 40 minimum. I would suggest ether 2 bottomless, d prison, or compulsory. It also looks like you have very few draw/search cards. I suggest using gold sarcs or duality if you can get them. I dont know how much tribute fodder this deck actually makes but just by looking at it i would take out one of the ladds. When making your side deck put in cards to counteract the popular meta decks. I.E. nobleman of crossout for gks spy, threatening roar for glad beasts, dust tornado for more backrow destruction. Hope this helped.