Is the Growing Number of Waivers a Rallying Cry for Healthcare Repeal?

If Obama care is so bad for all the Union shops and Colorado and Nevada resident workers that all these waivers must be granted, then it's a sure sign of a real problem.

Further, isn't it racist for Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the Union bosses get favors for the blacks and minorities in their states while the other 48 continue do do without just because they weren't in the Inner circle on the plantation ?

Shouldn't wavers be given to all workers in the same class in all states ? what's fair is fair right ?


Fact - this is not the netherlands. And further, if it works so well there how come all their patients are coming here when the need serious medical care ?

The waivers, weather temporary or not, can be renewed at the executive order of the president. Even if they are only temporary, then this is proof of racism. There is no such thing as temporary racism, and all of the needy in all 50 states need the same consideration.

Please offer a direct and true answer to your questions. This is Research I am doing for a college course. I am not interested in political rhetoric.


fact - the odds of a child under 5 dying prematurely is because we have 10 times the cars and you are including vehicle death in your stats. And yes that is the number one killer of children under 5. The ods are if a kid dies in this country it will be in a car wreck with a drunk or high, illegal immigrant who is unlicensed and uninsured.


Favorite Answer


lets see.........obamas failures
his overspending put us in debt in the trillions..
caused high inflation
did nothing to slow down crime
illegals taken over. 50 million strong now - hispanics n the usa. barrack heusin is for amnesty
roads and infastructure falling apart
tax increases
weak dollar
increasing our healthcare costs to pay for people who dont want to pay for themselves
high gas prices now 4 / gal in the summer 5/gal
look up online layoffs for 2011. the liberal media only reports job creation from there messiah.
belong to a racist church against whites for 15yrs. he quit going once he got caught.
13.7 million americans unemployed. obama says the recession is over lol.

The Patriot2011-05-23T14:13:23Z

No. The waivers are being issued on a temporary basis and companies can apply for them no matter what party they support or what colour skin that the people the waivers have.

FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should
FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet
FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare
FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal healthcoverage
FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change
FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing the American people
FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and in Switzerland


Do your research before complaining about the waivers, they aren't a sign of failure, they were intended to be granted, it was part of the Bill.