Will you be okay if Y!A leaves us?


@Comet. I COMPLETELY understand that. Y!A is like therapy to me :)


@ Happy. I know, it would totally suck for me too :/

Bursting with Joy2011-05-27T11:44:36Z

Favorite Answer

no i wouldn't be okay..i don't want to even think about that.....

Big John2011-05-27T11:41:52Z



It may be good for us, but a lot of the people cheer me up. As silly as it sounds, it saddens me that i will one day not speak to the people on here. I love you guys.


Nope. I love my contacts.
But I also love my childhood friends and school friends.

Fleur Delacourâ„¢2011-05-27T11:40:58Z


This place makes me happy. At least I have friends on here :(

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