Dissolvable stitches?

I got my wisdom teeth removed 9 days ago and my oral surgeon gave me stitches that he said would dissolve in 5-10 days. I know it hasnt been that long yet, but they havent gone ANYWHERE. They're loose and move around when I drink and eat; however, as I said, they dont seem to be going anywhere. He said "If they dont come out just play with them a bit and they should fall out" but the thought of that freaks me out a bit, so i'd rather it be a last resort. Should I resort to messing with them and making them fall out, or just wait for them to possibly fall out/dissolve themselves?

I would call the dentist office but they're closed for the weekend and i'd rather not make an appointment to get them taken out because its almost an hour drive out of town.

(I know its not in the right category, but no one actually answered my last question when it was in the dental category.)


Favorite Answer

I've been a dental asst for 5 years. Leave them alone for at least the 10 days. They should fall out on there own soon. If they really bother you after ten days you can use some tweezers to grab them and pull them out. And they are digestable,its fine if you swallow them accidently.


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Dissolvable stitches?
I got my wisdom teeth removed 9 days ago and my oral surgeon gave me stitches that he said would dissolve in 5-10 days. I know it hasnt been that long yet, but they havent gone ANYWHERE. They're loose and move around when I drink and eat; however, as I said, they dont seem to be going anywhere....


How about some do-it-yourself dentistry? Get a pair of nail clippers and snip off the knot on the suture (I wouldn't use scissors in your mouth). Take some tweezers and pull the suture (thread) through. If you have rubbing alcohol to disinfect the clippers and the tweezers before using that would be great, but the truth is your mouth is already a sewer of bacteria (no offense). Don't leave the stitch in, it acts like a wick to soak up moisture and is a path for bacteria to infect the open skin. Good luck doc.


jus leave it. my uncle is a periodontist and he has done all work on my teeth. he has given me dissolvable stiches before and yes they came out, but you jus have to leave it alone. messing with it too much might cause an infection. also if your surgeon gave you some special mouthwash, use it.


I had them when I got surgery for my root canal. It should have fallen out in about a week. Like your dentist said, play around with them, but not too much. It'll fall out quicker then you think. Good luck(: