I'm trying to adopt a rescue dog, what should I do? should I go to the adoption event?
I sent out an adoption application for a dog after looking thoroughly on petfinder. They replied back to me and rejected me saying "he is very young. a dog under two cannot live in a condo" and yes they did not list this rule ANYWHERE in the website or the dog's profile. I do not live in a condo, I live in an apartment. to clarify the difference since I'm not all that familiar with combos I looked condos up on google and one website says a condo has no yard
I told them that I lived in an apartment not a condo. they did not reply back. I emailed yesterday (which was a few days later) that they did not list this on their website. they still haven't replied back and I know they read it because I used a site that tells you when the email you send is read.
btw everytime you try to call them, you have to leave a message
what really gets me is on their standards for adoption they say that a fenced yard is required except in the case of an apartment/condo dwelling but then in the dog's profile (that I'm trying to adopt) it says he's "a city boy with no fenced yard" does this make any sense to you? clearly the profile is implying that the dog can live in an apartment, wouldn't you agree?
the adoption event is not in my county so it's a little ways to go but do you think it would be better if I went to the event and talked to them about this more? I would be willing to go the distance if I knew that was what will get me the dog, but I don't want to go and then find out they are still not going to accept me. then I will have gone all that way for nothing.
I am trying for one other rescue place but the dog there is only my second choice. once I saw this dog, I knew he was the one (at least that's what I thought when I saw his picture and read the profile...I guess I am wrong since I am not succeeding?) there were a few different dogs on petfinder that I kinda liked but that doesn't work. I feel I have a right to be picky because I want to make sure that I will put my heart and soul into the dog, I mean it's not fair to the dog if I don't absolutely think I will love him
SIDENOTE: I looked at old questions on here relating to rescues and I am appalled that restrictions like these are a common occurrence (esp the thing about the one dog being killed the next day and the adoptee not being able to adopt because of not living in the county). it's illegal to leave your dog out in the car but yet it's not illegal for rescues/shelters to be restrictive?! isn't that a form of abuse, denying dogs from good homes like that?
I almost got one from a breeder (got the number from a sign at my local walmart) because of this rescue rejecting me but lucky thing is a dog from a breeder costs too much. it disgusts me how people stress that you should save a dog's life but yet they put all these restrictions on the dogs I would want to get from a rescue/shelter..the places that don't require restrictions always seem to have big dogs (everytime I went to my local shelter or watched the thing on tv that shows what's available it is always a big dog so I haven't gone there in a while because I don't see a point anymore...I've lost all motivation to go, too much disappointment)
Ok Ibite I understand about space but the apartment I am going to has a big living room so the dog would have plenty of room to roam around.
and I would take him out everyday in the yard so exercise wouldn't be the problem
Mumma I kinda didn't think about neighbors but this neighborhood is more "cold" than the one I'm going to and they don't even seem to care here. a while ago dogs would bark and no one would say anything.
anyway even if the neighbors would complain there's no way I'm giving em up. if the dog was the one I knew I wanted I would not give him up for anything.
so while I sorta understand the neighbor issue I don't think it applies to me.
am38 the dog is not a big breed. I never wanted a big dog anyway.
I would take him outside anyway on the leash when he had to go so he would not need to use the litter box anyway.
says the dog is calm and laid back on his profile so seems he is the type to loaf around when not exercising.
and yes I would understand that they don't want to end up with the dog again or want to make sure it is a good home but I think they're being so selective here that it should be illlegal.
if I'm confident about anything about myself, it's being good with dogs. I just don't see why they should reject me..I said so many good things on the application. there was even the question: under what circumstances would you give up the dog? I said I would not give up a dog unless they became too much to handle physically even after obedience training. obviously by what is written on the profiler and the kind of dog he is this will not happen.
they use the word "forever homes", that's exactly what I know I will be. that's exactly why I don't want a senior dog. I don't want to have the dog for a few years, I want as much time as I can with a dog.
I just don't see the difference between an apartment and a house when it comes to dogs, if the apartment is big, has a yard and nice neighbors (the neighb
CanineTruth, maybe...I guess they could misinterpret apartment to mean too small. when I look back at my application just now I notice I said nothing about the living room being big.
Dog Section Regular, about how talking to them face to face makes it so they can't ignore me, that does make sense. I wasn't rejected only once though, technically I was rejected about a dog twice. someone was going to give away a dog because of the baby in the house but they decided they changed their mind (even though the dog was causing the baby trouble...doesn't make any sense to me, why say you're giving away the dog in the first place). actually you could even say I was rejected three times because the dog I had from my childhood we decided to get back when we got to a place that did allow dogs but they said no because he was already happy where he was.
I think I will go. I really don't expect them to change their mind but I guess it could be good for me to take a ride down there since I never leav
e the apt anyway.
oh and Ibite like I said my local shelter always has had big dogs in the past everytime I went down there or watched the tv channel for it. actually I believe we were even put on a list a while back for dogs down at the shelter. tbh I don't want to go to the shelter because I'm sure they won't have what I want and I'm afraid I will get upset in front of everybody. in fact that's kinda why I wasn't sure about going to the adoption event but I guess I'll go and try to have a "poker face"