Orion Sirius EQ-G Computerized GoTo Telescope Mount?

I am in the market for a good goto mount and have my mind made up on the Orion Sirius EQ-G Computerized GoTo mount.This mount will hold upto 30lbs.This is perfect for any scope I now have and want to use with it.My question is since this mount has the same drive motors as the Orion Atlas would I be able to upgrade it to accept a heavier load?I would just go for the Atlas but I am concerned about the weight of it-76lbs.as compared to the Sirius at 43lbs.
Thank you much,


Favorite Answer

I have an Orion Sirius myself, and it's a very nice mount, but don't believe the stated carrying capacity on _any_ mount, except maybe a Paramount or Astro-Physics. I've found it a good rule of thumb to divide the stated capacity by 2 to get a more realistic number. The heaviest telescopes I've mounted on my Sirius are an Orion 6-inch Mak-Newt and an Explore 127mm triplet refractor, both of which weigh about 10 kg. (22 lb,) with basic visual observing accessories. The mount is just about at its limit with these; I wouldn't want to add photographic accessories, for example.

The load a mount can carry depends on the size of the bearings, not the motors. The reason why the Atlas is more massive than the Sirius is just that: larger heavier bearings in a more massive housing. You just can't skimp when it comes to mounts. I lived for years with undermounted scopes and hated every minute of it. I'm guessing you're planning to mount your 10" OTA on the Sirius: sorry, but it just won't work. A friend of mine has an Orion 10" on an Atlas, and actually does photography with it, but I wouldn't try it myself.

When I went looking for an equatorial to handle my 8" f/7 Cave, whose OTA weighs 30 lb., I went to a Losmandy G11 and never regretted it. Eventually I got tired of schlepping all that weight around, and sold the G11, remounting the Cave on a Discovery deluxe Dobsonian mount, which was a much better solution for my purposes.


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Orion Sirius EQ-G Computerized GoTo Telescope Mount?
I am in the market for a good goto mount and have my mind made up on the Orion Sirius EQ-G Computerized GoTo mount.This mount will hold upto 30lbs.This is perfect for any scope I now have and want to use with it.My question is since this mount has the same drive motors as the Orion Atlas would I be...

Daryl S2011-06-04T15:15:36Z

Keep in mind that the 76 lbs. is FULLY ASSEMBLED weight (tripod, mount and counterweight). The weight of it fully assembled should not be too much of a concern b/c once the mount is assembled and ready for work, it is safe to say that you will NOT be moving it around. So don't let the weight be a factor in your decision.

The Sirius EQ-G and the Atlas are good pieces of equipment (I personally went for the CGEM). But if you think you will need something a bit more later on (since you mentioned being "...able to upgrade it....), I would just go ahead and pop for the Atlas rather than waste money and effort.