How do you go to school in a public school?

Well... I'm in eighth grade, and i'm graduating tomorrow.
I'm gonna go to a public school, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Lmao.

I really have no clue what people do in public schools because I've been homeschooled my whole life.


Btw, I'm serious. So don't troll please.


Do you need to bring anything to school?
Or what do I need to buy?


Favorite Answer

What you need to bring to school?

High self confidence, intelligence, and friendliness.
Really you need this, and don't be afraid to make friends. Do it. Never look down when you talk with people, it'll make you look shy and like you lack confidence.
Boy, high school is alot about friends. You need friends to socialize and be a part of group that you like. Make the effort to talk, smile and say nice things to others. Also try to make at least 1-2 friends in each of your class. Oh remember lunch..that is your major time with friends. Invite people you want as friends to lunch. Find a spot and make it your hang out spot and meet.

Also for High school, if anything bring the basics first: a backpack, a binder with loose leaf college ruled paper and a few pencils. Usually within the first few days, your teachers will give you a list of things to buy for school.


People curse, slack off, and are rude but there are people who are really nice and super smart. There will be people who think they are better than you. Tere are sluts, don't date them. If you're good looking flirt with cute girls and you'll fit I fine!
#1 thing you need to do! Be yourself! Don't change who you are to fit in with some clique. People will except you for who you are, don't change yourself! Oh and the work isn't that hard as long as you try and dot slack off.


It's just like normal school. Lol. People are just more independant and less disciplined. That's all.. Haha.


You talk to people make friends go to class that sort of stuff