Contact lens question, holding up upper eyelid (first time user)?
I went to an optician on the subject of getting contact lenses. In a nutshell I couldn't do it, I kept blinking, but I trace it to my inability to hold my upper eyelid open.
Is it still possible to put contacts in without holding the upper eyelid open?
I can touch the white of my eye for 1 to 2 seconds while only holding my lower eyelid. If I even attempt to hold open my upper eyelid I blink *insanely* rapidly. I'm going back to the opticians so I'm just seeing if it's worth my time and their time to try again.
Thanks for your answers!
Favorite Answer
Hello Alex,
You are not alone! Many people have trouble inserting their contact lenses due to their strong blink reflexes or fear of any object coming close to their eyes. Also, the more you use contact lenses the easier it will become. Most people become pros at inserting their contact lenses in no time! Here's some other tips that may help: Consider setting up another appointment with your eye care provider to practice inserting lenses.
You don't need to hold your upper eyelid to put contact lenses in, regardless of whether it's a soft or rigid (gas permeable) contact lens.
I just pop my lenses in without even pulling the lower eyelid down; it's all a matter of practice. But it can be both scary and frustrating for first time users, mainly as most people don't like to touch their eyeball.
You say you can touch your eyeball for a few seconds with no problem so that's a great start. I would suggest following the steps on the article below, making sure that your contact lens is the right way round before you start. If you can place the lens straight onto your eyeball without pulling the bottom lid down, then great. Otherwise, try gently pulling the lower lid to make more "room" for the lens.
Yes, some opticians are crazy. You don't need to hold your upper eyelid open at all. ALL contact users I know just grab the bottom of their eyelid, pull it down, and pop it in. Focus on your eye in the mirror, looking at the contact lens will freak you out.
I've worn contacts since I was 8, I put them in one handed, and I don't need a mirror anymore. Once, just for kicks, I put both in at the same time with no mirror just to see if I could do it. Take it from a pro and DON'T think you need to pull the top of your eyelid open.