Question for any Marshall Class 5 amplifier owners?

I'm thinking of getting one but I've read raving reviews about them & some not so good reviews of them! I also watched some Youtube videos but you really can't judge from that with cheap computer speakers! Do any Guitar players have any input or answers? Thanks!


Favorite Answer

I have one that I use as a practice amp and I like it a lot. The only real negative comments I've heard are about the speaker rattle. I bought one of the newer models in the vintage cream color and it looks awesome. From what I had read these newer models didn't have the rattle issue. I have not experienced any rattle on mine and I play it pretty loud at band rehearsals. Some people complain that it doesn't have a gain control and I agree, but just throw a good distortion pedal in front of it and you're all set. I also love reverb so I play my Class 5 with a Boss FRV '63 reverb and a Fulltone OCD (obsessive compulsive distortion) and the tone is great. You may want to check out the Blackstar HT-5 also. It is supposed to be a great little amp. I also have the VOX AC4 but I like the Marshall better.


Marshall Class 5 Rattle