Realtors-what's your opinion of this?

How do you feel about a buyer looking for a typical single-family home that knows what he wants but for his own reasons offers a purchase price as a one-time deal (will not accept counter offers). If the seller declines the buyer moves on. Yeah, it's me and yes I'll admit I love a bargain but part of my offer is based on my own likes/dislikes/wants/needs-and I also recognize this means little to a seller. Anyway, if a seller says yes then we have a deal. Otherwise I move on. How does a realtor feel having to deal with this kind of buyer?

****I otherwise take up little of the realtor's time since I do all the searching myself (she does send me any MLSs I ask for) and only ask to tour the few homes I'm truely interested in (and I only take about 5 minutes viewing each home).


++++My offers are reasonable and I use things like the comps, acreage, additional features, etc. in figuring them


Favorite Answer

If your 'one time deals' are low ball offers, I'd drop you in a flash. You would be wasting my time which I could spend with other buyers/sellers who are realistic. If your offers were considered reasonable, I'd continue to work with you, since chances of gaining an acceptance are fairly good.


If the offers are not decent offers agents will dump you, you are a waste of time and paper.

If the offers are reasonable the agent will stick it out, you should have 1 yes for every 4-5 offers.