what would you do if your spouse was having an affair with a family member?

craft painter2011-06-16T00:43:39Z

Favorite Answer

All hell would break out! No way would I be able to handle my spouse doing anything with a member of my family. I would not be able to handle the family member that was doing it either. That would just be too much. It is hard enough to know your spouse is having an affair but to be one of you blood then you not only have the pain from the spouse cheating but the family member that you cared about hurt you too. We would be through.


Absolutely unforgiveable! This recently happened in my own family. My sister and my brother in law hooked up and had an affair.. it is awful.. and if there are children involved.. even worse. Get rid of him!


If my spouse was having an affair with anyone I would greet him at the door with his suitcase all packed for him. Then I would hand it to him and shut the door.


Divorce spouse and Divorce the damn family member as a nobody to me. Clearly!!!!!!!!

La Morena2011-06-16T07:45:18Z

File for divorce and be done with it. Sometimes people make terrible mistakes, there's no sense in you having to deal with someone like that and all the drama that comes with their bad choice. You deserve someone that will be faithful to you.

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