Does He Like Me You Think?

Yeah, most popular question asked on here, but i still want an answer please.
Ive been talking to a guy, and the first night we IMed on FB and we were in these really deep conversations about life,people and love and all kinds of other stuff. I asked him to hang out with me in town and he agreed so we hung out yesterday about like 6-10. He kept smiling at me and chuckling. We hung out on the monkey bars (yes were 15 and 16, but i love monkey bars). I was about to hurdle a banch to show him how to do a hurdle and he kept telling me not to and he thinks i shouldnt. i didn't. then we hung out in the covered bridge and i climbed up the cross beams near the celing and he climbed up with me and stayed kinda close to me. then i started poking him and hed flinch and grab my wrists but hed smile.then we were sitting on a sidewalk after dark and i poked him again and he pulled my hood over my head and pushed me onto the sidewalk tickling me. then i poked him again (yeah i did that alot, but i dont think he minded) and he pulled my arms from under me so i layed on his lap and i looked up at him n he looked down and smiled n i asked "so, that go how you planned?" and he said...not exactly. and he would follow me wereever i went. and once wen i poked him in gthe store, he pushed me against the shelving and tickled me. so, yeah...what do u guys think?


Favorite Answer

Of course he does.


def. sounds like to me he likes you.


yes, yes he does :)