Gay Marriage Sliding Toward Anarchy?

In light of all the news about Gay marriage and civil unions I found that (at least according to gay persons on this site) many gays are also opposed to "gay marriage" of any kind. In light of those responses, here's another question.

I read in an article published yesterday on the net that David Tyree, seen as a superbowl hero, says that gay marriage "will be the beginning of our country's sliding towards, you know, it's a strong word, but 'anarchy. The moment we have it, if you trace back even to other cultures, other countries, that will be the moment where our society and itself, loses its grip with what's right. Marriage is one of those things that is the backbone of society." you can find the article by following the link

I would like to know what some persons think about this statement. The reason I ask is because it seems to me that there is a very small minority of people who are actually pushing for gay marriage.


Hey John Sperry, you didn't answer the question? How about you tell me how you really feel. Anyhow, i can appreciate your honest thoughts.


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In my country marriage has been open for same-sex couples for a decade now. So far anarchy has failed to ensue. Not the slightest hint of 'sliding' here. The same goes for the many countries that followed our lead. We have a firm grip on what is right, and not excluding people from the civil union that is marriage simply because of their sexual orientation is one of those things that are right. And especially if you regard marriage as the backbone of society it does not make sense to create second class citizens who are not allowed to marry.

In other words: David Tyree seems sadly misinformed.

robert p2011-06-18T04:20:05Z

Sodom (sodomy) & Gomorrah

Homosexual rights agenda pushers will ask what right people who want marriage protected and left alone have to voice their opposition.What right do they have to impose thier views and agenda on the majority that apposes it?When small groups work to force thier agendas on the rest of society how can the homosexual supporters deny they don't care if they distroy society and a civilized nation by their actions.God will not tolerate rebellion,morality decline,etc.


I think his views on equality and what's "right" for American society is a bit misguided and narrow minded. I mean, who are you to say what's normal and right for everyone in America. Love is love, and sexuality shouldn't be a factor in marriage. If two consenting adults choose to get married, it's up to them.

I'm gay and I'm for equality, weather it's gender related, sexuality, race etc. Although, I don't agree with the idea of marriage in a general sense, It's not up to me.


marriage is nothing but a piece of paper. how is gay marriage going to destroy the nation? i swear if ignorance was painful this "NATION" would have dead bodies all over the place. what gives him the right to define what's right and what's wrong in gay relationships? tyree is straight right? is he comfortable with his sexuality? so why should it matter what others do? ignorance,having children and having children growing up to this kind of upbringing according to tyree is whats really destroying this nation.people need to have some tolerance.

Pauly D.2011-06-20T06:03:52Z

I support Robert and Ali, they seem to want to stand up for what God says in His Word, instead of just compromising to the popular opinion of this world... like everyone does now.

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