satanists - what do you see when the demon you divinate through is cast into a pig?

intelligible answers only


@djc - no, i casted a demon into a pig a few years ago, and a deliverance minister i know was able to identify it as "the eyes of divination". so i was being spyed upon. i was just wondering what the person spying saw when the demon was inside of the pig. did they actually watch it eat its own feces??? im ever-so-curious.

Knobby Knobville2011-06-20T23:06:06Z

Favorite Answer

I see Crazy Bacon the Slayer. No, really, I do



Sorry, it is impossible to give an intelligent answer to such an unintelligent question. Give it some thought and I will hope that the next time you post, it will be a question that challenges the intellect and makes spending time here worthwhile.


I don't know, you'd have to ask Professor Trelawney for that



Are you insane?