Telemarketing calls in the middle of the night?

I have an interesting situation - I live overseas in Germany and have a vonage phone with a west coast area code. We are getting ready to move back to the US and I called comcast to ask a question, I didn't give them the vonage number at all. Since then I've been getting calls about twice a day from their sales department but the problem is they see a west coast number not knowing that I'm 9 hours ahead of western time so the calls come at around 1 and 3 in the morning. I keep telling them that I live in Germany and have a vonage number and not to call again but it doesn't stop. I'm dying here - I just registered my number with the do not call registry but that can take up to 31 days. Is there anything I can say to them to make them take me seriously and take me off their damn call list? Can this be considered harassment or anything?


Due to health issues in both mine and my husbands family we are not comfortable unplugging the phone at this time.


I would ask to speak to the supervisor and ask the supervisor to put me on the company's Do Not Call list that they have. I've tried it before and it's worked with credit card offers and crap like that. They are so annoying!!! Good luck


time zone will casue that