What Would People Think About A Lip Piercing?
I'm 12 and my birthday was today so I asked my mom for a lip piercing. She said she would consider it since I have been helping around the house and such.
I just wanted to ask a couple questions about this topic.
First off, what would my teachers/principal/coaches think?
I am a good kid, my grades are extremely high, the teachers like me, I just hope that a lip ring doesn't effect their opinion on me.
Would people think I'm "trashy"?
I'm not "trashy". I'm far from it & I would not like people thinking I am.
Can my teachers/principal tell me to take it out?
This is what I'm worried about most. I don't want to go to school & the teachers force me to take my lip ring out.
I'm planning on wearing a clear lip ring, but as the time goes, I will start to wear different jewelery.
So, thank you in advance for answering my questions.
Oh, and if you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say it at all.
Yes, I know this will leave scars & I might regret it in the future, but piercings fascinate me & I am planning to get much more.
Thank you :)