What does a black circle on a pelvic ultrasound mean?
My doctor ordered this ultrasound because I have a bloated abdomen and discomfort. I'm worried that it might be cancer. My mom died three years ago with colon cancer and ovarian cancer.
My doctor ordered this ultrasound because I have a bloated abdomen and discomfort. I'm worried that it might be cancer. My mom died three years ago with colon cancer and ovarian cancer.
norton g
Favorite Answer
K B - Good news! You can relax. A "black circle" on ultrasound means nothing is there and the sound waves have easily passed through. What's important is the white/gray stuff around the black circle which is the wall of the hollow space (like a colon or ovarian cyst). Certainly by now your should have received your physician's report of your ultrasound. If not, you are entitled to have a copy of your medical report.
That's too generalized of description. Ultrasounds are notoriously hard to read--you really need training! So I can't comment. But I can tell you that I had ovarian cancer several times, and each time when the ultrasound tech saw it, he/she called in a doctor while I was still there to check it out. And then another doctor came, and there was much discussion between them.... Did that happen in your case?
I am pretty sure that a boys testicles will not actually drop until later in pregnancy. At 18 weeks the tech was not sure what she was seeing at first and she first guessed a boy because she said the testicles would not have dropped yet. However, few minutes later the little one finally allowed a good look and we saw 3 little lines. So I think it is probably way too early to tell. Good luck and Congrats though.