Do you have Democrat friends or family that are disappointed in the direction of their party?
What are they most unhappy about?
What are they most unhappy about?
Angela Q
Favorite Answer
I certainly am disappointed in the hard right corporatist turn. ∠°)
Jacob W
I only know a few and they are very disappointed. I also know some Moderate Independents that voted for Obama that are, too. If history is any teacher, the Democrats will stay home in droves in 2012 and the Republicans will turn out in record numbers. The Independents who show up will be voting against Obama. But I doubt a lot of Democrats will vote for a Republican at least not until the positive results a new Conservative administration will have become apparent. Then a lot of traditional Democrat voters will vote for the Republican President's reelection.
See charts below.
Obama extend all the tax cuts that are set to expire Dec. 31, for the wealthiest households.
Washington, D.C., has failed the country when it comes to immigration reform
Obama's Guantánamo Mistake: He's Not Closing Gitmo the Right Way
Obama is still aiding Israel terrorist state
In Brief:
Obama promised to close Guantanomo Bay - He didn't..He extended it
Obama promised to end the Bush Tax Cuts - He didn't he extended it
Obama promised to end the Patriot Act - He didn't... He extended it.
Obama promised greater Civil Liberties...He didn't...He added more secret wire-tapping laws - Your phone, your e-mail...etc..Now the Gov't doesnt need a warrant to break into your house...
Obama said the U.S. would only go to War if threatened. He lied. We are in Libya right now and we werent threatened. US has been bombing Libya for over 90 days just to get France access to Oil by kicking out Khaddafi.
Obama said he would hold those responsible for the economic downturn in 2008. He lied. He rewarded all of them with billions of dollars of Bailout money. No one was held responsible. No one was disciplined.
In short, Obama extended Bush's Wars in Iraq/Afghanistan and added 3 more Wars. Obama bailed out Wallstreet via Billions of Dollars. Wallstreet will contribute to Obama's reelection campaign.
I'm a life long democrat. I haven't been happy with the direction of the party since Kennedy.