How to ask for rougher sex?

My boyfriend seems a little afraid of hurting me during sex. How can i tell him i like it rough without hurting his feelings? I don't want him to think he hasn't been doing a good job


Favorite Answer

Well you could ask him what is something you do in bed that he really likes and then when he asks in return you could tell him you like it when he's more rough (even if he isn't really) but hearing that you like it he'll hopefully get a little more physical and then when he is react strongly and show how much you like it and he'll be encouraged to do it even more. Hope this helps!


He seems like a sweet guy :) But just tell him you want to try something new, and tell him that if he DOES hurt you, you will make him stop, because sometimes people won't do something that might hurt you cuz they're afraid you won't tell them that it hurts. It's good to change up the relationship every once in a while anyway.


It ability she want it to be loud and penetrating and he or she needs a lot of hair lacking and massive pink marks throughout her neck. instead of irritating approximately what you appear as if, bypass wild. Immagine you have no longer touched a woman in 2 a protracted time and you have been actual fammished so u want to bang the sh*t out of her


Tell him to F you harder during sex.


tell him in the middle, harder (insert name here) harder! thats what i do