I've heard that some lesbians have coloured napkins sticking out of their jeans or that you should clip your nails a certain way. I'm not sure how true any of that is but I'd like to be able to tell who else is a lesbian. Is there anything I can do besides aesthetics? Maybe gestures or expressions? I'm clutching at straws here, I just wondered is all.
Favorite Answer
I have a friend who wears a shirt that has the word "lesbian" printed across the front. Try that!
Usually people know I'm Bisexual because it's been spread around the school so much. But that's just part of my high school life.
I guess all you can really do is come out to people. Most likely it will get around that you're Lesbian. You don't need to look a certain way or act a certain way. If somebody asks, tell them. If you get asked out by a guy, tell them. If you are into a girl who is also Lesbian/Bi, flirt with her.
The only way it will get around is by you letting people know.
Colored napkins? Clipping nails? Thats lame. that sounds more like a poser to me, personally. Just be yourself. Start with telling some friends and family.. it'll get spread around like that. Try going to teen clubs (if you're under 21..). They have gay/les ones. If you're over 21, they have gay bars. Just be yourself though, dont try to pose as a lesbain?