Ron Paul Supporters...Is Ron Paul a liberal? (long, but please read and respond)?

Many of his supporters describe themselves as conservatives, but they back a national security agenda which is almost identical with the radical left.

Refers the both the Cold War and the War on Terror a “farce”. He compares the U.S. role in Afghanistan to “a schoolyard bully.”

DEFICIT SPENDING: He claims to be for limited government but Ron and Rand Paul were among the few Republicans who opposed the Paul Ryan budget to reduce the deficit by $6.2 trillion over a decade. They said it did not cut enough, but they would not accept the Ryan plan as a starting point.

EARMARKS: He is the only GOP candidate who continues to support earmarks and pork barrel spending. He votes against every appropriations bill but only after making sure he has received his usual $400 million every year.

TRADE: He claims to support free trade but votes against every free trade agreement.

ABORTION: He claims to be pro-life, and says the Right to Life is the foundation for all rights in the Constitution. The truth is that he is really pro-choice on the state level. That is the purpose of his Sanctity of Life Bill. He is essential saying it is fine with him to kill a child if a state agrees.

IMMIGRATION: He claims to be against illegal immigration, but has voted against the border fence and the E-Verify program to stop employers from hiring illegal aliens. In fact, he is against all laws that prohibit employers from hiring illegal aliens.

He opposes Arizona’s get tough policies and the deportation of people who are here illegally. He claims to oppose amnesty but that is what his program advocates. If a state wants open borders that is fine with him. NumbersUSA gives him an “F” rating on immigration.

DEFENSE: Paul, 75, says he supports a strong national defense but the $1 trillion in Pentagon reductions he is seeking would end all modernization and readiness programs. It would return America to the hollow military of the 1970s when many service members were eligible for food stamps.

CIVIL RIGHTS: He is the only Republican in the House or Senate who opposes the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

FOREIGN POLICY: The Congressman says if he was President 1) He would not have authorized the raid to kill Osama bin Laden. 2) Iraq would have been allowed to take over Kuwait. 3) He would have done nothing if Saddam Hussein threatened to capture three-quarters of the world's reserves by taking over the Saudi oil fields.

ISRAEL: He rarely fails to repeat propaganda from terrorist groups. He claims Israel is keeping food, medicine and humanitarian supplies out of Gaza, even though the Red Cross says this is not true and there is no crisis.

INTELLIGENCE: He accuses the CIA of being in the drug business and says they need to be “taken out. There's been a coup, have you heard? It's the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military.

GOLD STANDARD: He is the author of four books advocating a return to the gold standard. It did not work in the past, and no country has ever been able to maintain it. Gold is not sound money and it can be easily manipulated.

ECONOMICS: Paul advocates the Austrian School of Economics which is totally ignored by mainstream academia. The standard economics texts used on the university level do not even mention it. There are no more than 75 scholars worldwide who follow the Austrian School while there are over 20,000 economists in the American Economics Association.


Dave....a simple statement like that leads me to think that you did not read this. If you did not, why bother to answer?


Peace be upon you....actually it is not my list. I am questioning some of it myself, but wanted people who were his supporters to refute the list with facts that they know. I am always looking to increase my knowledge, and this was a great way to get both sides, (or so I thought, but some of the answers were absolutely no help)


Okay...I put this up without my opinion involved for a reason. I do not agree with everything on that Austrian economics is certainly better than Keynesian economics. And I am certainly aware of his states rights stances, and agree that anything not specified in the Constitution...that the feds address in any unConstitutional and should be nullified on that basis alone. This is the same spin on those who say that he is pro-choice.

However, he DOES support earmarks and is quick to add his own earmarks.

But I still do not support his gutting of the military to the levels that he does. I cannot stomach the thought that he would not have given the go ahead to take out bin Laden. And his stance on illegals is pathetic and weak. And the idea to forfeit in the war on drugs and legalize them...creating another hell hole like INSANE

Other than that...and his naive belief that we could go back to the gold standard is laughable....I think that he is


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I read this whole thing and I know at least one of your statements is incorrect. He is not against the Civil Rights Act that was an MSNBC spin of him saying he is for stronger states rights. This hurts your credibility in my eyes. If I am smart enough to not believe all the Fox propaganda I think you should meet me halfway and not believe all of your side's propaganda. We financed Iraq in their war with Iran and Paul just wants America to worry about America. I can see why you would worry about America not being imperialist at this point but that is what America was always meant to be. I could give a you know what about what goes on in other countries and would be happy to let other countries deal with the madness that goes on around the world. Austrian economics worked just fine in America before we our love affair with John Maynard Keynes. The fact that you don't want to explore an alternative economic belief system shows me that you're happy with the current economy and I don't understand that one bit. The gold standard thing there is no way we could do this with 14 trillion dollars of national debt but that same number could be used to discredit your belief that fiat currency works. Many people have accused the CIA of being part of the drug smuggling operation besides Ron Paul. It's a tough cookie to swallow I know but I have researched everything that Ron Paul stands for and it leads me to believe that the rabbit hole is very deep. He seems to be the only person willing to take America out of the hands of tyranny and into what America was always meant to be. You can thumb me down or block me I don't mind but there will come a time that you will see the reasoning behind it. I can see your reasoning but you refuse to see mine and that pretty much sums up America today for you. I wish you all the best in whatever you undertake in your life. Ron Paul 2012.


If you look up The Old Right on Wikipedia you will find that his views fall in line with this. It is the Republicans and Conservatives who used to support a non-interventionist foreign policy while Democrats like Woodrow Wilson and FDR supported being militarily involved all over the world to make the world safe for Democracy. The new Republican party and the Neocons have changed the meaning of the word Conservative for many people.

The fact that the Austrian School of Economics has been ignored by mainstream academia should be a plus, not a mark against it. Unless you think the economic policies of the last few decades have worked out well for us.


Good point on the gold standard. To anyone who understands economics, that is a dead system.

Free trade is a difficult subject. I support free trade among similar income economies, but with third world economies with rising education standards, that's just a recipe for mass-outsourcing.

Ron Paul, is certainly not a liberal though. His voting record by and large is classified as conservative among conservative groups.

Climbing Up the Walls2011-06-27T15:33:23Z

Free trade agreements is not free trade, the only way to support free trade would be to support unilateral free trade and the ending of our embargo against Cuba. And apparently, at least according to you, liberals care more about liberty than conservatives.


He's a liberatarian. He belives we should have practibly no government. Which is a conservative viewpoint. Basicly he's neither, if it's on the constitution, he supports it.

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