Have you ever considered that God begins exactly when He ends, and ends exactly when He begins?

Rev. 22:13 "13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

hence immortality in all directions.


- i feel like my talents are being wasted here


Favorite Answer

That description is "zero duration" - which means "non-existent"


Have you ever considered that playing with words is not the same as expressing a clear idea and therefore is not a productive use of your time?

Glenn S2011-06-29T04:16:39Z

God doesn't begin or end.....he is eternal. He stands outside of time and created everything including time.


I thought Yoda died ages ago. Star Wars was supposed to be a long time ago....

On your hands too much time, I think have you.

Not a Member2011-06-29T04:11:34Z

There is no beginning and no end... hence, no god.