Who can I talk to with help being frinds with a recovering heroin addict?

I have a close friend who I have had alot of love, feelings, emotions for over about a 12 year span...who only recently came back into my life becuase she has always dealt with drug addiciton and now has been a year long recovery period clean from Heroin. Right now we are just friends but always with the potential for more. I was wondering where someone like me (who has never done a drug, not even marijuana in their life) can go to get help on being there for her, understand what she is going through, and how to deal with having "more than friends" feelings for her when she is dealing with recovery. Is there some kind of hotline or something?


Favorite Answer

i kno exactly how you feel my girlfriend has been clean from heroin for almost 3years. the best thing u can do is attend NA meetings with her so she knos ur there to support her. it would probally mean alot to her to kno that shes got someone like u supporting her every step of the way.


Good Christian Rehab center

ted j2011-06-29T06:26:41Z
