Why do people think that the instructions were intended for them?

Why do people think that instructions given to someone else, in a culture wholly dissimilar from their own, under conditions unimaginable to themselves, should be executed by themselves?

I mean, like, just because I ask the Fedex guy to deliver a message to someone doesn’t mean that I want EVERYONE to deliver the same message to EVERYBODY.

Hey, if God tells you to do something, yeah, you should do it—it’s a bad idea to p*ss off the maker, but why are so many people trying to do things that God told somebody ELSE to do? Especially when they don’t even understand the directions?


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I have never thought of it that way...excellent question. I am a believer in the Christian God, and as such, use the Bible as my guidebook. But yet if I followed it literally, I would be stoning my own children when they became highly disobedient since that is what one of the Mosaic laws was. I would also have to believe the visions of Daniel and the book of Revelation are literal and not prophetic.

I think as humans, we need laws of some sort, and I believe (I may be wrong) that we are born with an innate need to worship something. The Bible and many other holy books have endured through the centuries, so people feel they are reliable as guidebooks for our conduct and actions. The problem comes in when people do heinous things in the name of religion. I think that if we could condense it down into simply the Golden Rule-Do unto others as you would have done unto you-and all follow that, the world would be a much more peaceful place.

Thanks for getting my brain rolling this morning! Great question.


He told me to.