Ps3 has trouble reading some CD's?
My Ps3 is is almost 2 years old(it's a slim, got it back in September of 09), and since then it has worked with no issue. It wasn't untill a couple days ago that I noticed that I was having problems.
1) I tried putting in my Final Fantasy 13 and I noticed the playstation wouldn't read it right away and it would make a weird click noise as if I had just inserted the disc. I've never had this trouble, it would play right away, until a few days ago. So after a couple tries I can get the console to play the game. That's issue number one.
Issue number 2 is that when I tried to play certain movies it makes the same noise(like the disc is being inserted) and just won't read them at all. The only two that it won't read are Battle L.A. and Lord of the Rings The Two Towers. I got Battle L.A. to read a couple times but now it just won't play.
I don't know if it's an issue with the update or maybe my console is dieing prematurely. I clean it of dust and make sure it's not overheating. Is anyone having this issue? If someone has had it and fixed it, could you let me know what you did or give me some advice? I'd hate to go out and buy a new console or spend money to get it fixed if it's a hardware problem.