Little white bug? Possibly clear worm thing in freshwater fish tank?

I've had my 30 gallon tank for half a year, all my fish are healthy, I have zebra danios, platys, algae eaters, and a clawed frog and 3 basic live plants. One of the plants i bought over 4 months ago, I got it for cheap, it wasn't in the healthiest state, and lately it looks like my fish/frog have been munching on it, so I was checking it out, and I saw what looked like a very very small clear worm on the bottom of the plant. As I was looking closer, I thought I saw a small white bug, could have been the size of a flea, so I attempted to scoop the "worm" and bug out, but was unsuccessful. I'm trying to look up info to see if this is common or not. I haven't seen these things near my healthy plants, so I'm debating on getting rid of the "sick" one. Any links or advice would be awesome! =D


It hid from me in the gravel, so it's a lousy guess as far as size lol. I'm going to observe more and see if I can find it again. My algae eaters have been going to town in that area, so I assume if something is there, they are feasting on them lol Thanks!


Favorite Answer

I don't know exactly what you have (flea-size is kinda big and nothing I can think of off the top of my head) but if they aren't hurting the fish and your fish are eating them, I wouldn't worry. Think of it as a free food source. :)


My exboyfriend had a tank filled with ciclids that grew to be filled with those little worms. I spotted them in the future while the water grew to be stirred up. He informed me it was once whatever from whatever he had fed them. I idea it was once freaky--they had been relocating at the within of the glass simply above the water within the tank. I began to wonder whether they would pop out and grow to be a parasite on me! Eww. They had been style of transparent, you would slightly see them. I might blank your tank. But, I doubt if they are able to harm your fish. I'd be inclined to guess that they're feeding at the different trash for your tank.


I'm wondering if it could be planaria. This site gives pictures, causes and treatment.