What is a "metro sexual " ?


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A metrosexual is basically a straight man that is into making sure he looks good. For example, metrosexual men may get manicures, pay attention to what they wear, get different hairstyles, etc.

I believe that gay men can be "metro". For example, there are flamboyant gay men and also "straight acting" gay men. For me, a metrosexual gay man would be a straight-acting gay man that's not afraid to be feminine when he wants to be.


My definition is slightly different. A metro sexual gets pleasure out of the attention he gets from gay guys...and likes the danger of making himself appear gay.

To a degree I think it may be like the thrill of streaking. A streaker loves the attention, and the thrill of just stripping everything off and running across the campus or stadium in front of everyone.

A metro is adding clothing and refinements and walking down the street at a little slower rate..but enjoying all the looks he gets from both gay guys and girls. Even the straight guys looking at him provides enjoyment as that is the point.

Note: Gay guys most be wary of falling in love with a metro-guy as that is almost certain to lead to heartache.


A person who is sexually attracted to public transportation.


Someone who is straight but appreciates "homosexual culture", i.e. watching Project Runway or Queer Eye, likes to dress flamboyantly, and all that stereotypical 'gay stuff'. It usually means that the guy is unusually fashionable.


Straight men who act stereotypically gay.

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