Best tactical hard knuckle gloves for shooting?

At first I was looking at the Oakley SI gloves. I was reading a lot of reviews that say they aren't that durable, however, a majority of the reviews are for 2006-2008. Has Oakley fixed the durability issues, or is there a better option for hard knuckle gloves. If there are, im looking for something in a khaki or brown.


Favorite Answer

The Oakleys are what I used when I was in the military. They breathe really well and not to be too literal, fit like a glove. I like that they use carbon fiber to cover your knuckles to so you don't bust your hand open when you mis-load a .50cal. I like the glove. Oakley makes really good equipment.


Best Hard Knuckle Gloves


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Best tactical hard knuckle gloves for shooting?
At first I was looking at the Oakley SI gloves. I was reading a lot of reviews that say they aren't that durable, however, a majority of the reviews are for 2006-2008. Has Oakley fixed the durability issues, or is there a better option for hard knuckle gloves. If there are, im looking for...


Oakley are amazing. Everyone in my family have them.


from a Gucci store...obviously