How do i style wavy hair? (Dude)?

Actually i have 0 style for my hair, I'm actually growing it. It's about 4-5 inches long now and i think its about time i start looking less homeless lol. Any advice on what to do with it would be great. Oh yeah, i guess knowing what it's like would help huh? It's wavy and thin-medium-ish, and a lot of it. (like if i had thick hair, i'd probably have a fro) I'm a dude btw, again


I actually had to google plait and i rofld


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You totally came to the right person

I was thinking bunchies, but this year, I hear that plaiting is quite fashionable (wavy plaits are sexy). You can borrow my hairspray.


Yeah save it dark, it incredibly is going to likely basically ultimately finally end up a astonishing brassy colour in case you are trying bleaching it. yet for my section the 'scene/emo' form is a few 2OO5 sh*t, come into the nice and comfortable circumstances new baby lol.


hmmmm,well my bro has hair down to his tail bone. but what he does,since you really cant put ALOT of style to a guy with LONG hair,he just layers the top of his head,so he can spike up the top a lil bit and not look like a derranged hippie,or you can tease it? it depends what style your into..but i think layering the top is a very good option sice you can t alot of styles with it

love 2 cheer2011-07-05T10:21:48Z

Just buy some mens styling gel and scrunch it when its wet :) I love curly hair on guys


straighten it love will look longer and beautiful or curl it thats beautiful 2 i have wavy hair i straighten it and it looks nice and it looks nice curled too hope this helps