I was just wondering.?

Am I okay looking?

Hehe, I just wonder.


Oh my goodness guys. Thank you all so much. You guys can't even believe how nice this is, I have the lowest self esteem and I didn't expect to have so many kind people respond. (And I know my nose is a little off, haha.)


Favorite Answer

You are more that ok looking ur Beautiful and even more, I love you eyes, put a smile on that face and it would be just perfect :)

Wendy B2011-07-06T21:03:55Z



no your not ok looking. you are slightly above that. you are pretty and the rest of your face will catch up to your nose. been there. and you have pretty eyes, sweet looking lips and nice hair. dont worry.



Barely Mediocre Answers2011-07-06T21:02:16Z

You're unique, I'm sure you'll grow into your face later on! :)

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