Do metal concerts usually sell out before the show?

I'm merely asking this because I'm trying to get tickets to see Children of Bodom w/ Obscura in Philadelphia on the 17th, and my dad's being all gay about getting the tickets, so I might just have to purchase them at the door. Think they'll still be available by then?


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I have seen some very popular bands, they were crouded but people were still buying tickets at the door. As long as its general admission I think they will just pack everyone in lol. Good Luck


We're talking about metal here, there's only going to be twenty people in total...

With Children Of Bodom and Obscura playing together, I'd say you should pre-order them. Both of those bands are pretty damn popular, so there just may be an issue of the tickets running out. Plus you can get there early instead of waiting to buy tickets.


It depends on how popular they are in your area and how large the place is where they will be performing.


Depends on how you define 'sell out'.