Do FTMs and MTFs end up fitting into....?

heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual or other of the labels we seem to be so fond of? Too bad we can't just say that humans are either monosexual or polysexual beings who can only propagate heterosexually.

Punk Rock and Minerals2011-07-10T08:58:24Z

Favorite Answer

yes, There are gay and bi transsexuals.

From what I have seen (strictly anectodotal, not scientific) I have noticed about 1/3 gay, 1/3 straight and the last 1/3 to be bi.
I am a bi MTF


Well, I'm an FTM and I like girls exclusively, so I'm heterosexual. However, at this point in time, society sees me as a lesbian. What matters to me is the label I give myself. I don't see it as a label, though. I find it a handy way to describe my preferences.


I agree with Livewire . mountain out of a mole hill


most trans people are straight...
you seem to want to make a mountain out of a mole hill fred...