How much trouble is my friend in for this assault?

the other day my friend was on a walk and was passing a house and saw a man painting his house. my friend ran up to the mans ladder and pushed it over while the man was on it. he wasent hurt too bad. then my friend ran inside the mans house and locked the doors and started vandalising his house. eventually the man found a way inside his house and the two engaged in a brutal fist fight that my friend won. afterwards he abused the mans dog and stole his car which he drove into another old ladies car stopped at a red light. he ripped the old lady out of her car and beat her. once the police arrived he ran into the cop cars driver seat and attempted to drive away, during the arrest he tried to grab the cops gun but was taken down before he could.........what's the penalty for this/these crimes he committed? will I ever see him again?


Well, looks like he could be charged with, Criminal Vandalism, (probably multiple counts) Aggravated Battery, Burglary, Animal Abuse, Grand Theft of a motor vehicle, Aggravated Assault, and attempting to flee a law enforcement officer.

Yeah, many years in prison.


Your friend is a ******* idiot, he is gonna get abused in prison. I would kick the **** out of him just for what he did. a) what was the point pushing the guy off his ladder in the first place and b) beating an old lady? That makes him hard. He deserves whatever he gets.

I'd say he would easily get 10 years or more. What a douche.


i would guess that attempting to grab the cops gun would be the most serious offense. the beat down of the old lady was weaponless-albeit the jury would give him the max for it but the state i would guess would be angriest at attempting to grab the cops gun. dunno if that federal-if he has priors weapons charges im almost positive its federal. i would guess 10 years with no priors....


I'm assuming you made this up, but it looks like a few counts of aggravated assault, criminal mischief, burglary, robbery of a motor vehicle, resisting arrest, fleeing and eluding...

You can expect him to miss a few of your birthday parties.


at least 10-15 years

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