Should I be hurt that Lilah blocked me?

I think my bar bunny comment may actually have hit a little too close to home!


Yeah... not hurt at all and don't really care. Just funny that that was the comment that hacked her off! I've told her worse!
And it is really quite irritating with her and her little friends making fun of what many of you and my hubby do, not to mention when she gets going on spouses.
Just nice to see that I'm in some very fine company!

KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!!2011-07-13T14:34:29Z

Favorite Answer

She's blocked me too. And I'm sure she is the troll behind the many violation notices I've received lately. lol

She blocked me before I could go back and see your bar bunny comment. Good one!

John U2011-07-13T22:16:21Z

Yep now she has been a Marine for a Year?? Yeah Right. Well at least all she did was pick me as best answer so she could call me an Azzhole :)

On the bright side by the time she blocks enough people no one will be able to answer her dumba** questions anymore. Bet she hadn't thought of that one.


She blocked me because I thought it was entertaining to remind her she's a troll and should jump off a bridge. Her comments are somewhat hard to ignore when she remarks about how "awful" our soldiers are.


She blocked me too! Haha. I guess I should join the club. I completely agree with you... She made a mockery of what my Marine does.

Mark F2011-07-13T21:45:29Z

You should be ashamed that you waste the time to read her nonsense, let alone respond to it. TROLLS thrive on attention, positive or negative makes no difference. Ignore them and they get bored and go away.

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