What state am i a resident of?

Ok, I have a job in NC but all actual property i own is in the state of SC and I have lived in a perm address in SC since 1987, I am in a temporary apartment in NC about .5 miles from the state line while i look for housing in the area and i am favoring the SC side. So am I a resident of SC, NC or both? and which state do i need a drivers license in?


No kids, no wife, registered to vote in sc but in a different county than the one im close to. Money is in a SC bank.


You can't be a resident of both states. If you were then you could get drivers licenses in both states, vote in both states and both states couuld fully tax your income.

Look at the number of ties you have in both states and how close the ties are. Which state are you regiserted to vote in? Where are your pesonal effects located? What gyms, church, and sports leagues do you belong too? If you have kids, what school do they attend. If you have a wife, where does she work? What sort of groups does she belong too?

The state with the closer ties can edge out the one with more disitant ties.

I would say right now you are a resident of SC. A temporary apartment and a job are your only ties to NC. That woudl not be enough to be a resident.

wendy c2011-07-13T17:10:19Z

you definitely are in the state of confusion.
You can own property in every state in the country. Or in the world. It does not change where you NORMALLY LIVE. And..you can live in one state and hold a job in another (used to live in CA but near Reno, and many persons commuted each day).
You have told the govt that you live in SC by registering to vote there. You cannot vote in more than one state. You CAN have money in the bank in any state you choose (especially with online access and direct deposit).
You basically HAVE TO PICK where your USUAL home is, even if you don't stay there all the time.


Where is your primamry residence located, meaning where do you sleep at night? That is your answer. You need a drivers license in whatever state your primary address is in.

